Sunday, August 29, 2021

Ground Zero

I suppose the purpose of this first post would be to establish a foundation on which I can build some sort of organized theory encompassing my thoughts regarding the nature of reality and its implications. It is incredibly difficult to sort through my thoughts to achieve a degree of organization that I am satisfied with unless I have someone to talk to, so I will be utilizing this blog format to simulate that. I also find that I am better at translating thoughts into writing rather than speech, so I think this format will prove to be useful. It’s important that I learn to reason within the frame of words since I tend to think in abstract non-verbal thoughts, rather than in a verbal and linear way.

Most of the topics I will be focusing on will be based in philosophy or psychology, but I will avoid restricting myself within those domains. I don’t like to sort my thoughts into their corresponding subjects, since they tend to overlap naturally. I predict that there will be a lot of concentration in the topics of metaphysics, purpose, morality, religion, and existentialism; however, I suspect this will change, as my interests often do. I will likely integrate science and empirical evidence into many of my posts. I’m a firm believer in the utility of the scientific method, though I recognize there are truths to be found beyond the boundaries of science… I think. If I feel like writing about some random topic, I probably will. There will certainly be posts that do not build off of any other.

To begin, here are some questions that I will attempt to answer (or grasp at an answer) in my next few posts:

- Is the natural world proof of God’s existence?
- Is the moral framework psychological or metaphysical?
- Is there a solution to moral subjectivity?
- Does religious dogma come at the expense of science? 

I’ll leave it at that for now. I’ve failed at establishing a “foundation” like mentioned earlier, but I have a starting place, which is all I need. It’s my birthday, so I think I’m going to give my brain a break!

Ground Zero

I suppose the purpose of this first post would be to establish a foundation on which I can build some sort of organized theory encompassing ...